Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Now that college has started back up again, I was bored tonight and was looking for something to do.  Lately, I've been hearing a lot about a game called Slender...

For those of you that don't know, Slender is an Indie-based game about a man named Slenderman, I guess. Basically, you start with a flashlight and have to walk around a wooded area in the dark and find 8 notes.  I got two...I'm not going to say much about this game because I didn't play it much so there's not much to say. I will say this though, I don't know what it is about the game but it is freaky as all hell.  Not like piss your pants scary, but like psychologically frightening. I'm sweating and all my muscles are tense from playing the game for all of ten minutes.

Maybe another day I will try to play it again, but for now, I'd like to sleep tonight.

Until next time, remember, "Always watches, no eyes."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

End of Days

Summer is coming to an end...

That's not all bad.  Living in a college town it's actually kind of nice when school starts up again.  Don't get me wrong, I love the summer, but it's nice having everyone back too.  The school year means actually getting to see more than just the friends that hung around town for the summer.  Also, it means many more parties and the bars will be packed again.

I hate school though.  Honestly, if it wasn't for the potential to make so much more money, I would have never gone to college.  It's not that I was ever a bad student, I just hate going.  Nonetheless, it is coming... Hopefully this will be my last semester and I will go off and do an internship next semester, and then onto the real world.

Hopefully it will be a good year for everyone that is attending some form of educational institution, but I just remembered I still have to sign up for another class.  Until next time, let the beer flow and the books open.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


These days it seems as though there is an activist group for just about everything from gay rights, guns laws, political, and the list goes on for days.  However, there is one group of individuals that really gets under my skin.  Anti-gun activists...

Coming from North Dakota, I was basically born with a gun in my hand.  By the time I was 8 years old, I already had 3 guns to my name.  Now, I could see how some people might have a problem with that, but if you teach a child how to safety and responsibly shoot a gun at a young age, that will stay with them until the day they die.

Anti-gun activists are basically trying to take gun ownership away from normal citizens. This, I have a problem with.  By no means do I think the average person should be able to own fully automatic weapons without some sort of special permit, but these people are trying to take away more than that.

I've been hunting since I was very young, since I could legally shoot and kill an animal.  Well, now this brings in a different group of activists, PETA. As far as I'm concerned, PETA can go straight to hell.  For the most part, what I use guns for is hunting.  I don't hunt just to kill animals for the hell of it.  I hunt for food.  Since I was very young I have been hunting and if I didn't hunt, that would erase at least 50 percent of the food I eat.  Although I do hunt animals I don't eat, those animals are predators of the food I do eat and predators of my family and pets.

Now, my list of guns include a BB gun, .22 rifle, paintball gun, shotgun, rifle, assault rifle, and pistol.  Are you going to try to take those all away from me?  I can tell you exactly what I use every one of those for and not one of them is used for harmful purposes.  You can argue a self-defense weapon is harmful, but if you come unwelcome into my home with intent to hurt me, my family, friends, or pets, I'm going to shoot you until I'm sure you aren't going to hurt anyone.

On the other hand, with the recent events in Aurora, Colorado, I can understand how some people would want to keep guns away from citizens.  However, you have to look at the person that was involved in this tragedy.  The guy was a mentally ill person with all the freedom in the world to buy multiple fully automatic weapons and 6000 rounds of ammunition.  The guy had issues, don't get me wrong, but he should have been red-flagged long before anything happened.  I mean really, you can't tell me his name didn't appear on some government screen with what he was buying.

To conclude this rather long rant, I have owned and been around guns my entire life and I have never shot at a person, been shot at, or been hurt in any way from a gun. If you take away guns, you're taking away my lifestyle.  Until next time, try to take my guns or my life, we'll see who comes out on top.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Stress.  People have all sorts of different triggers, levels, and remedies for stress.  What am I doing right now? Laying in my bed, by myself, writing this post, and absolutely jamming out to Zao (a metal band for those who don't know).

Maybe I shall go back a little here.  This week has been beyond stressful.  We started wheat harvest on my family farm, which I actually don't mind working on the farm, it just gets rather stressful at times.  On top of that, I had to shuffle back and forth between the farm and the liquor store because I couldn't get anyone to cover for me.  When I get stressed, I'm usually rather testy.  I've had a headache pretty much all day (mostly from the ridiculous people that come into the liquor store) and every little thing has been getting under my skin.

I'm going to stop for a second to throw this little tidbit in here.  Honestly, I don't know what happened in the last two weeks or if people finally just drank themselves stupid, but almost every other person I've had to deal with at the liquor store this week has either been completely shitfaced at 6 in the afternoon or a complete asshole.  Either way, I'm getting really fed up with it on so many levels.

Anyway, where was I? Yes, testy.  Every little thing gets under my skin.  I almost freaked out on my roommate because the house was a disaster when I got back, even though I haven't been here but 20 minutes in the last two weeks.  I settled for just going to bed and dropping it for now.  So that brings us here.  I am laying in my bed by myself and jamming to Zao because that is what I do to get rid of stress.  I don't like to be around people because when I'm stressed I get set off way to easily.  I like to lay in bed and wind down because it's the most comfortable place I know that is away from people.  Zao. Most people wouldn't find metal music relaxing or "stress relieving", but I don't think there is a better remedy for stress in the world.  Nothing calms me down more.  Actually, my headache is gone now in the 10 minutes it took me to write this.

I suppose I might actually get some sleep now, though.  Until next time, suspend suspension.