Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You Better Enjoy This

I decided I would throw up a post quick even though it is almost 4 am here.

I've been really busy lately. I'm in the middle of corn harvest on our family farm and taking 19 credits in college this semester so I haven't had much time to post anything.

It's been a crazy semester so far.  The first few weeks weren't bad, but now that I am trying to juggle 40 plus hours a week of work with 19 credits of school, I barely have time to sleep, let alone think.  Hopefully we'll be done with harvest next week though, and I can go back to a healthy mixture of school and booze.

I don't know who even reads these posts, but obviously someone does since I can see my blog gets views.  So I thought it would be a kind gesture to share what's happening in my life.  Nothing exciting, that's for sure.

I suppose though I should get sleep while I can.  Until next time, don't take the red pill.