Some of you are probably wondering what a Looky Lou is, while others are really wondering how the term relates to anything. So let me begin...
First, I work in a liquor store, as I have so mentioned before. There is a lot to look at in a liquor store so the occasional browser is acceptable. However, those are not the type of people I'm talking about. I'm not talking about someone that walks into a liquor store and looks around at things they might like for 20 minutes until they decide what they finally want to purchase. I'm talking about people that walk in, look at EVERYTHING in the store for 30 or more minutes, and then purchase nothing. Being the kind person I am, I will ask customers if they need help finding anything or want suggestions on anything they might enjoy. Looky Lous, they will always answer with, "No thanks, I'm just looking." This answer is fine until you've been in the store for 20 minutes and we closed 10 minutes ago. Then, we have a problem. I understand that there are many different things to look at, but I also have a job to do other than waiting for someone to look at every product in the store. Like I've said before, I have much to say but rarely say anything. This is one of those times. I try to be as respectable as possible when dealing with people like this, but on the inside, I'm ready to pull my hair out and throw a case of liquor across the room.
Don't be a Looky Lou. Get what you want and get out. If you're not going to buy anything, go away. Maybe I sound like an asshole, but I don't really care. The End.
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