Thursday, May 31, 2012


Pretty sure I forgot to mention this, but about 2 months ago, I tore my meniscus which is the cartilage in your knee between the 2 major bones of your leg and now there is a piece of my meniscus just floating around in my knee.

Only reason I thought about this is because I had my pre-operation appointment at the doctor today so I can have surgery June 11th.

I will say this, I hope I never have to have surgery again.  It's not that I am scared or worried to have surgery, but the pre-op questions asked by the doctor made me feel like I broke the law and the FBI was after me and investigating me.  The doctor asks so many questions and most of them just made me feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, that's what's happening in my life.  I forgot to mention it when it first happened because I didn't have a computer at the time.  I'll tell you what, worst pain I've ever experienced in my life.

June 11th I am having surgery, so hopefully that date will hurry and and get here so I can get my knee fixed and start going things I actually enjoy without pain again.

Until next time, don't eat the yellow snow.

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