Thursday, March 28, 2013

North Dakota Abortion

As you might know by now, I am from North Dakota.  Recently our legislature began pushing a new bill that would outlaw abortion past six weeks after conception.  This created quite the rousing for all North Dakota citizens.  Whether you are pro-life, pro-choice, or somewhere in between, isn't really relevant in this post as I'm not going to get into a huge debate about it.

The interesting thing I found in this story was the number of people on my Facebook feed that would openly post either for or against the new bill.  Again, don't want to debate, but I believe it should be up to the mother and only the mother.  I don't believe any slut that has had 9 abortions already should be able to get one either and I personally would never want to abort something that I helped create, but that's debating and we'll stay away from that.  The point of the post is why would you want to kill something that you created in your body? It isn't about if you can or can't do it, but why would you want to? What part of a person makes the decision for someone to kill a part of them that they took part in creating? 

As I go further into this, it's becoming harder and harder to not debate, but just hang in there.

Recently my sister lost her baby a little over two weeks before her due date.  My sister is over 30 years old and has been trying to have a child for awhile now.  How fair is that?  Someone who wants a child more than probably I could ever imagine, only to have nature decide that she can't.  On the other hand, there are thousands of people every day that forcibly end their child's life.

I understand there are many exceptions to abortion and every story is different, but I can't even fathom the logic behind that.  Someone that wants a child so much and is denied and someone who doesn't want one at all, only to have it destroyed.

It doesn't quite make sense to me but what am I to do about it?  If you feel like putting in your two cents to this post, I hope you do.

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