Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just Blowing Smoke in a Glass

For anyone that doesn't know this, I am REALLY into making and sharing YouTube videos.  With people like RayWilliamJohnson and FPSRussia on YouTube, it seems like a relatively easy way to make some free money.  Let me tell you though, it's not as easy as it looks.

Back in 2004 I created an account and posted a video that got quite a few views.  A couple years later, I received an email about a program that pays you to put advertisements on your YouTube videos.  I thought, "Well that's awesome, sure why not?"  Since then I have become a little more than obsessed with YouTube and now have about 35 videos.

I guess when I found out you could make money from YouTube I jumped at the idea, especially after learning RWJ and FPSRussia make well over six figures a year.  I thought it would be great to not have to work a day in the real world.  Was I ever wrong.

6 months later I am up to $2.50 revenue from my videos...

Being in my senior year of college in North Dakota, time is running out for a get rich quick scheme or winning the lottery.

I enjoy many different activities and hobbies as I have mentioned previously, but working a job every morning for the rest of my life is not one of those things.  I like way to many others things to be stuck in a cubicle forever.  However, school may be good for one thing.  Today one of my professors told me my assignment for the semester would be to develop a website of something I like and get it up and running.  I immediately thought of this blog, YouTube, and every other piece of content I have posted on the internet.  I don't know why it never crossed my mind but I never even thought to put all of that content on one page and organize it so it is all sexy and user appealing.

Anyway, I describe myself as an entrepreneur before anything else (mostly because I don't like any of my other college jobs).  That is kind of why the title of this post is "Just Blowing Smoke in a Glass", because most of the time I post content on the internet I feel as if no one is looking or listening.  Also, for another reason, but I'll get to that in a minute.  Consider this post a informal introduction to the future content you will be seeing from me on the internet until I get my site up and running.

As for now, I'm just blowing smoke in a glass. -->

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Repeat after me: I am free.

The United States of America is "the land of the free and the home of the brave" but do you really feel free after you think about that statement.

I am free.

I have been an American citizen my entire life and I couldn't be happier with being given the opportunity to live in this country.  However, today is January 17, 2012.  Think back as far as you can remember, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years.  Do you still feel "free" today?

With the rise of legislation in our wonderful government to try to abolish piracy on the internet, I am beginning to wonder how free this country really is.  Telling us what we can and can't do on the internet, one of the biggest freedoms we have.  I know it's nothing compared to other countries.  However, I have been told my entire life to support our government and armed forces because they are fighting for and supporting our freedom.  I say bullshit.  I support the idea that our armed forces want to fight for our country. I do not support our government creating that need.  Every year there is a new law that takes away a little more of our freedom.  How long will it be before we are programmed to do exactly what our government tells us?  Oh wait...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

North Dakota: Born and Raised

I've had about enough of this.

I am a true North Dakotan.  I was born here, raised here, and still live here.  To tell you the truth, I will probably never leave this state.  The only circumstance that would incline me to leave this state was if I received a job offer elsewhere that involved much more money than a job I would receive here.

I lived in the same house from the time I was born until I was 18 and graduated and moved to college.  I go to college 30 minutes from my home town.  I know some of you think that is probably really lame and that I'm just scared to grow up and move away, but I'm really not.  I love to travel whenever I can.

The point of this post is the never-ending bitching I hear from people in this town.  I love living here.  It's calm, relaxing, and provides me with anything and everything I enjoy.  However, there are people that are in the same boat as me.  They have lived here their entire life.  Unlike me though, they take every opportunity to complain about it.  All I ever hear is how much this town and state sucks.  It's really frustrating.  I don't live here because I have to.  I live here because I want to.  I love North Dakota.  To those who complain, I always say why don't you leave then?  Nobody is making you stay here.  They never do though.  They just keep complaining.  So here it is...North Dakota has it's drawbacks, just like any other place you could live, but I think I am a much better person having grown up here.  If you don't like it, get the hell out!

Randy Blythe for President!!!

I wasn't going to throw up another post right now...until I came across a very interesting fact.

I'm a huge metal music fan and one of my favorite bands is Lamb of God.  The lead singer being Randy Blythe.  The man is a music God.

While I was out and about last night with my friends, a friend (who is also a metal fan) mentioned an interesting fact to me that Randy Blythe wanted to run for President of the United States...At first I was thinking, "Yeah, I'm sure.  Why would Randy Blythe run for President?"

So, as I was sitting here half buzzed in the wee hours of the morning, I decided to put a little more research into this.  I came across this

Holy shit was about the first thought that came into my mind.  After reading the entire post, I'm not entirely positive he is legitimately going to run for President, but I don't think that really matters.  Randy is throwing out some heavy-hitting statements to our government.  Put up or shut up basically.  Even if he's not going to run, he's saying things that will make people think about the person they are voting for.  The whole reason I began my search for this article was because of a YouTube video of some fuckwad  presidential candidate (I don't even remember his name to be honest) that stated he would send all the troops back overseas if he were elected.  WTF!

Blythe mostly talks about war and confrontation that we are currently going through and how he would take a bullet, go to the front lines, and even kill before he would risk the lives of others.  That takes some balls.  To summarize, he basically said if the President isn't willing to die themselves for a confrontation they believe in, then why should they risk the lives of people they don't even know for the same confrontation?  If a leader is willing to risk the lives of others in a war, they better be willing to die themselves.

Even if this "presidential campaign" isn't a serious one, Blythe's statements were very serious.  A major shout out to current and future Presidents in my opinion.

I stand behind what Blythe has to say about the war and our military, and even though I worship the ground he walks on, I wouldn't vote for him on that basis alone.  I'm not a mindless American that finds one thing they like about a presidential candidate and votes for them.  However, these statements put Blythe much higher on my ratings than other candidates and I am very curious to see where he takes this from here and where he stands on other US issues.  For now though, I shall wait and see...

Bring some BALLS to the White House.  Randy Blythe for President!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds

It's amazing how a single phrase can spark an entire idea.

I was browsing my most recent fascination in a site call, when I stumbled upon this quote. "Quiet people have the loudest minds." - Stephen Hawking.

Normally, I don't pay attention to quotes all that much because really, how many do I need to read about love that have the exact same meaning.  We get it, love is precious, mysterious, etc. etc., but when I read this quote by Hawking, I really took a liking to it.

As I have said in the past, I am not one for words, especially if you don't know me.  I prefer to express myself in other ways. Music, writing, and other art forms my ADD is interested in that day.  If you've known me a day, you'll be lucky to get a full sentence out of me.  A year, I won't shut up until you are ready to commit me to an insane asylum, which is probably a good place for me anyways.

Anywho, back to the quote.  "Quiet people have the loudest minds."
Let me think about this for just a second...Okay, I've never been one for words. Ever. I often tell me friends and loved ones, "You wouldn't last five minutes in my head."  This statement is so... scary as it is...true.  Quiet as I am, my mind is an uncontrollable machine.  Often propelling at a rate that I can't even keep up with.  I'm not saying I'm a genius, or even smart for that matter, but I would say my brain is...unique?...Maybe that's not the right word, but it doesn't matter at this point.  I have two close friends in my life.  I have plenty of friends, don't pity me, but two CLOSE friends.  If you were to be present when all three of us were together, your head would literally explode.  This is why I am so quiet around people I don't know.  I'm not really sure if they could handle the frequency at which my brain operates.  (I know that sounds like I'm knocking the average person and calling people stupid, but in this case I'm not. Promise I'll get to that another day.  I know there are people out there much smarter than me.)  I am simply saying, we are extremely different individuals that think unlike any other people in the world.  This is why we are such good friends and the reason I can actually have conversations with them.  It's like we all have the same brain.  Although we are three of the quietest individuals in a group of people, alone, or in our minds, we are the loudest.

Stephen Hawking said it the best with his quote, just because someone is quiet, doesn't mean they don't have a voice and something to say.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looky Lous

Some of you are probably wondering what a Looky Lou is, while others are really wondering how the term relates to anything. So let me begin...

First, I work in a liquor store, as I have so mentioned before.  There is a lot to look at in a liquor store so the occasional browser is acceptable.  However, those are not the type of people I'm talking about. I'm not talking about someone that walks into a liquor store and looks around at things they might like for 20 minutes until they decide what they finally want to purchase.  I'm talking about people that walk in, look at EVERYTHING in the store for 30 or more minutes, and then purchase nothing.  Being the kind person I am, I will ask customers if they need help finding anything or want suggestions on anything they might enjoy.  Looky Lous, they will always answer with, "No thanks, I'm just looking."  This answer is fine until you've been in the store for 20 minutes and we closed 10 minutes ago.  Then, we have a problem.  I understand that there are many different things to look at, but I also have a job to do other than waiting for someone to look at every product in the store.  Like I've said before, I have much to say but rarely say anything.  This is one of those times.  I try to be as respectable as possible when dealing with people like this, but on the inside, I'm ready to pull my hair out and throw a case of liquor across the room.

Don't be a Looky Lou. Get what you want and get out.  If you're not going to buy anything, go away.  Maybe I sound like an asshole, but I don't really care. The End.